The results show that the minimum cross-entropy density gives more weight to higher risk events, which embodies the risk-neutral essence. 结果表明最小叉熵密度使高风险的比例增大,这体现了风险中性的本质。
Thus cubic particle model can predict the minimum current density of a certain ER fluids needed to obtain a shear yield stress. 这样可使用立方体颗粒模型来计算某一电流变液剪切屈服应力所对应的最小电流密度。
The Detectable Minimum Energy Density of Streak Camera 高灵敏可见/紫外条纹相机的最小可探测能量密度
The analysis and conclusion showed that the detectable distance for UV warning system could be increased by changing the performance parameters of detector, such as CCD minimum luminous density, image intensifier's gain, optical system's transmittance and relative aperture. 分析研究表明,改变CCD最小照度值,像管的增益,光学系统的透过率和相对孔径等探测传感器的性能参数,可以提高紫外告警系统的探测距离。
Results indicate that, the spray density makes little effect on the heat and mass transfer of the evaporative condenser after it reaches the minimum spray density; 结果表明,在满足最小喷淋密度后,喷淋密度对蒸发式冷凝器传热传质性能影响很小;
That is the traditional testing method of the minimum detectable density of the Hydrogen Flame Chromatographer and the other technical indexes is to use hand made sample gas. 传统的检测方法在检验氢焰检测仪的最小浓度及其它技术指标时,通常采用人工配制洋气的方法,其配样不确定度和较大的主观误差成为系统误差的主要部分。
Density changing mode and maximum and minimum density positions of typical tubular 3D four directional braid fabrics have been analysed to provide information for quality controll of the braid fabrics. 本文分析了常用管状产品编织密度的变化形式和最大、最小密度位置,可为管状三维四向织物的质量控制提供依据。
Taking 17 year old Ginkgo biloba as test material, the effects of temperature and precipitation on wood ring width, ring density maximum density and minimum density were studied. 以北京地区17年生银杏为试材,研究了气温和降水对银杏木材年轮宽度、年轮密度、最大密度、最小密度的影响。
A 3 D Boundary Element Method and Minimum Strain Energy Density Factor Theory ( S theory) were used to study the stability and propagation of cracks at the heel of high arch dams using a double curved arch dam as a case study. 以一个双曲拱坝为实例,用三维断裂分析边界元法和最小应变能密度因子理论研究了高拱坝上游坝踵裂缝稳定性及扩展的情况。
Crack initiation angle predicted by the minimum strain energy density ( S-) criterion is very close to that by MTS-criterion. 最小应变能密度因子理论的预测结果与最大周向应力准则的预测结果非常接近,但同样不能预测8mm厚度试样的起裂方向。
Finally, the existence about the minimum and maximum density point is proved in the paper. 证明了分配曲线最大最小密度点的存在。
The mathematic inference on existence about the minimum and maximum density point of jig Partition Curve 跳汰分配曲线存在最大最小密度点的数学推导
The minimum installation height should be calculated on the basis of the minimum density of the oil being stored possibly. Based on both the minimum effective pay thickness of single-deck and the maximum density of the oil being stored, the maximum installation height can be calculated. 单盘的最小安装高度应根据可能储存密度最小油品时的情况进行计算,最大安装高度则应根据单盘有效厚度最小、可能储存密度最大油品时的情况进行计算。
As for the bamboo at the same height the minimum density is the main factor to its density grades while as for the bamboo at the different heights the culms thickness is the key effect on the density grades. 竹材径向密度梯度与最大密度具有正相关性。对于同一高度竹秆,密度梯度主要取决于最小密度,随最小密度的减小而增加;
As the development of science and technology, the technology of the Hydrogen Flame Chromatographer has been improved a lot, the minimum detectable density is getting small-er and smaller. 伴随着科学技术的发展,氢焰色谱检测仪技术也得到了较大程度的提高,如氢焰检测仪的最小检知浓度越来越小。
Electrochemical treatment of cancer: calculation of minimum effective current density between electrodes 电化学治疗癌肿时最小有效电流密度的计算
The results show that the minimum strain energy density factor considering the real crack opening increases with the applied electric field, and the positive electric filed assists the occurring of fracture, while the negative electric field retards the fracture. 结果表明,应变能密度因子随着电场的增加而增大,正电场加速裂纹扩展,而负电场阻止裂纹扩展。
The minimum oxygen density of combustible gases ( vapors) in fixed density is a bran-new subject matter. 可燃性气体(蒸气)在固定气体(蒸气)浓度下的最小氧浓度还是一个全新课题。
Forth through the experiment we have confirmed two important parameters that cathodic protection in solid electrolyte environment and regard the graphite as the comparison electrode& the minimum protection electric potential and the minimum protection density of electric current of uncovered metal. 通过试验确定了在CP-F1固体电解质环境中,以石墨为参比电极的系统中,阴极保护的两个重要的参数&最小保护电位和裸露金属的最小保护电流密度。
The result also shows that the stable structure is the one in which the Fermi level lies in or comes near a minimum in the density of state. 态密度分析显示:稳定的模型原子团所对应的Fermi能级通常处于态密度分布的极小值附近。
However, when the signal is a circularly band-limited, the minimum sampling density for a hexagonal sampling lattice is 13.4% less than that for a rectangular sampling lattice. 当连续图像信号的频带处于一个圆形区域之内时,正六边形点阵结构的采样密度比矩形点阵结构的采样密度要降低13.4%。
A critical active density is estimated with coverage requirement in random uniform deployment, and then minimum deploying density is derived for a given lifetime based on the aforementioned critical active density. 根据随机部署模型,估算满足覆盖率要求时的最少活跃节点密度,进而求出给定网络生存期时的每个子区域应部署的最小节点密度。
In this paper, we first explored t-sweep coverage problem in mobile wireless sensor networks, and then, we gives a clear definition on it. Next, we calculate the minimum sensor density to satisfy t-sweep coverage. 在本文中,我们首先探讨了移动传感网络中的t-扫描覆盖问题,并给出形式化定义,然后分析在无线传感网络中满足t-扫描覆盖的移动节点的最小密度。
In addition, this paper analyzed the effect of quality factor Q to load current in detail and gave a formula, which can calculate the minimum pulse density under a certain Q value. 详细分析了品质因数Q对负载电流的影响,并给出了计算公式,利用此方法可以计算出一定Q值下的最小脉冲密度。
Adsorption experiments showed that: ethanol/ CO2 blowing agent solubility in the PS was significantly higher than the solubility of CO2. The apparent density of PS foam can significantly reduce, we obtained a minimum apparent density is 0.042g/cm3. 吸附实验表明:乙醇/CO2复合发泡剂在PS中的溶解度明显高于单纯CO2在PS中的溶解度,能显著降低PS发泡制品的表观密度,所获得发泡样品的表观密度最小为0.042g/cm3。